Tisei-Tierney Slug With Braude

Republican Richard Tisei and incumbent Democratic Congressman John Tierney had a very lively debate with Jim Braude acting as moderator on Broadside. Braude deserves a lot of credit as a questioner, as I see him as a probing interviewer who moves the debate along with a minimum of non-answering allowed. This seat has been moved by respected analyst Stu Rothenberg to “lean Republican“, and Tisei may well be the first Republican to represent Massachusetts at the Congressional level in quite some time.

John Tierney first ran for Congress in 1994, and although many may have forgotten he lost that race to incumbent Republican Peter Torkildsen. He ran again in 1996, defeating Torkildsen in a rematch. Torkildsen tried to reclaim the seat in 1998, but Tierney defeated him again, and has held the seat since then. If Tisei emerges victorious he better not get too comfortable, as there will likely be a strong Democratic challenge in two years. From where? That is a story for another post.




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2 Responses to Tisei-Tierney Slug With Braude

  1. Jules Gordon says:

    Your Honor,
    From what I see, that challenge could be from Federal Prison.

    Am I missing something or have you ignored the Presidential Debates. Actually, I don’t blame you.


    • Bill Manzi says:

      No I have not ignored them. Believe that the full debate # 2 video is up, and a posting on debate 1. Should be an interesting debate tonight.


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